Models Repository

Midori AI Self-Hosted Models Repository

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Midori AI Self-Hosted Models’ model card repository! We welcome contributions from the community to help us maintain a comprehensive and up-to-date collection of model cards for self-hosted models.

How to Contribute

To contribute a model card, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the Midori AI Repository to your GitHub account.
  2. Create a new branch in your forked repository where you will make your changes.
  3. Add your model card to the models directory. Follow the structure of the existing model cards to ensure consistency.
  4. Commit your changes and push them to your forked repository.
  5. Open a pull request from your forked repository to the master branch of the Midori AI Self-Hosted Models’ Model Card Repository.
  6. In the pull request, provide a clear and concise description of the changes you have made.

Model Card Template

The model card template provides guidance on the information to include in your model card. It covers aspects such as:

  • Model Name: The name of the model you are describing.
  • Model Description: A brief overview of the model’s purpose, architecture, and key features.
  • Intended Use: Specify the tasks or applications for which the model is designed.
  • Training Data: Describe the dataset(s) used to train the model, including their size, composition, and any relevant characteristics.
  • Limitations and Biases: Discuss any known limitations or potential biases in the model, as well as steps taken to mitigate them.
  • Ethical Considerations: Address any ethical implications or considerations related to the model’s use, such as privacy concerns or potential for discrimination.
  • Deployment Details: If the model is deployed, provide information about the deployment environment, serving infrastructure, and any specific considerations for real-world usage.

Review Process

Once you have submitted a pull request, it will be reviewed by the Midori AI team. We will evaluate the quality and completeness of your model card based on the provided template. If there are any issues or suggestions for improvement, we will provide feedback and work with you to address them.

Merging the Pull Request

After addressing any feedback received during the review process, your pull request will be merged into the main branch of the Midori AI Self-Hosted Models’ Model Card Repository. Your model card will then be published and made available to the community.


By contributing to the Midori AI Self-Hosted Models’ Model Card Repository, you help us build a valuable resource for the community. Your contributions will help users understand and evaluate self-hosted models more effectively, ultimately leading to improved model selection and usage.

Thank you for your contribution! Together, we can foster a more open and informed ecosystem for self-hosted AI models.

Unleashing the Future of AI, Together.