Easy Setup - Stable Diffusion

—– Midori AI Subsystem Manager —–

Use the model installer to install all of the base models like Llava, tts, Stable Diffusion, and more! Click Here

—– By Hand Setup —–

(You do not have to run these steps if you have already done the auto installer)

In your models folder make a file called stablediffusion.yaml, then edit that file with the following. (You can change dreamlike-art/dreamlike-anime-1.0 with what ever model you would like.)

name: animagine
  model: dreamlike-art/dreamlike-anime-1.0
backend: diffusers
cuda: true
f16: true
  scheduler_type: dpm_2_a

If you are using docker, you will need to run in the localai folder with the docker-compose.yaml file in it

docker compose down

Then in your .env file uncomment this line.


After that we can reinstall the LocalAI docker VM by running in the localai folder with the docker-compose.yaml file in it

docker compose up -d

Then to download and setup the model, Just send in a normal OpenAI request! LocalAI will do the rest!

curl http://localhost:8080/v1/images/generations -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
  "prompt": "Two Boxes, 1blue, 1red",
  "model": "animagine",
  "size": "1024x1024"